To Him all pray, all glory be given, today and for ever and ever ... ABOUT JESUS - A NEWS THAT IS PUTTING EGYPT! A NEWS THAT IS PUTTING EGYPT! Faith! After the Haitian who stayed 27 days in the rubble and said that a person gave him water, see the interesting news that comes to our attention. A NEWS THAT IS BREAKING EGYPT An Egyptian Muslim killed his wife because she was reading the Bible and then buried her with her baby born a few days ago and an 8-year-old daughter. The children were buried alive! He then told police that an uncle had killed the children. Fifteen days later another family member died. When they went to bury her, did they find the two children under the sand? AND LIVE! The country was shocked and the man will be executed ... They asked the 8 year old girl how she had managed to survive for so long and she said: "A man wearing bright clothes and with bleeding wounds in his hands came all Days to feed us.He always woke my mother to nurse my sister. " She was interviewed in Egypt on a national TV by a woman journalist who had her face covered. She said on public TV, 'It was Jesus who came to take care of us, because nobody else does things like that!' Muslims believe that Isa (Jesus) will appear to do such things, but the wounds in His hands prove that He really was crucified and that He is alive! It was also clear that the child would not be able to invent this story and it would not be possible for these children to live without a true miracle. Muslim leaders will have a hard time dealing with this situation and the popularity of the movie 'Passion for Christ' does not help them! As Egypt is right at the center of media and Middle Eastern education, you can rest assured that this story will spread quickly. Jesus Christ is still leaving the world upside down! Please spread this story all over the place. 'The Lord says,' I will bless the person who puts his trust in me '' (Jeremiah 17). Jesus said, "If you deny Me among men, I will deny You before the Father." Pass that message on, if you think it has any merit. Well ... now do what your heart tells you!
sexta-feira, 3 de março de 2017
To Him all pray, all glory be given, today and for all times amen.
To Him all pray, all glory be given, today and for ever and ever ... ABOUT JESUS - A NEWS THAT IS PUTTING EGYPT! A NEWS THAT IS PUTTING EGYPT! Faith! After the Haitian who stayed 27 days in the rubble and said that a person gave him water, see the interesting news that comes to our attention. A NEWS THAT IS BREAKING EGYPT An Egyptian Muslim killed his wife because she was reading the Bible and then buried her with her baby born a few days ago and an 8-year-old daughter. The children were buried alive! He then told police that an uncle had killed the children. Fifteen days later another family member died. When they went to bury her, did they find the two children under the sand? AND LIVE! The country was shocked and the man will be executed ... They asked the 8 year old girl how she had managed to survive for so long and she said: "A man wearing bright clothes and with bleeding wounds in his hands came all Days to feed us.He always woke my mother to nurse my sister. " She was interviewed in Egypt on a national TV by a woman journalist who had her face covered. She said on public TV, 'It was Jesus who came to take care of us, because nobody else does things like that!' Muslims believe that Isa (Jesus) will appear to do such things, but the wounds in His hands prove that He really was crucified and that He is alive! It was also clear that the child would not be able to invent this story and it would not be possible for these children to live without a true miracle. Muslim leaders will have a hard time dealing with this situation and the popularity of the movie 'Passion for Christ' does not help them! As Egypt is right at the center of media and Middle Eastern education, you can rest assured that this story will spread quickly. Jesus Christ is still leaving the world upside down! Please spread this story all over the place. 'The Lord says,' I will bless the person who puts his trust in me '' (Jeremiah 17). Jesus said, "If you deny Me among men, I will deny You before the Father." Pass that message on, if you think it has any merit. Well ... now do what your heart tells you!
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